Media Coverage of C2i
Kare 11 | 2019-05-01
Jessica Rogers is committed to help youth passing through the program write new endings to their stories.

Program Focuses on Mental Health Care for Foster Youth
KSTP | 2017-08-09
According to Jessica Rodgers, the executive director of the organization, C2i is designed to instruct and mentor young teens and help them transition into adulthood.

Minnesotans who 'age out' of foster care can still find help with life skills
Star Tribune | 2017-09-01
The warmhearted executive director of Minneapolis nonprofit C2i sees young adults with infinite potential…

Connections to Independence builds bridges from foster care to positive futures for youth in Minneapolis
TC Daily Planet | 2016-12-07
Contrary to how most people view it, Tiffany — a teen who’s just become familiar with the foster care system — says it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to her…

Who We Serve: June Barker
MN DHR | 2016-12-03
Help with school, housing enables former foster youth to live independently.

Who We Serve: Javon Turner
MN DHR | 2016-12-03
Former foster youth overcomes struggles to move forward in life…

Who We Serve: Thomas Stone
MN DHR | 2016-12-03
Former foster youth overcomes struggles to move forward in life.
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